Monday, April 12, 2010

I'm Getting MARRIED!!!

So... apparently I need to update my blog!!!

Yes, the title of this blog is true. I am getting married! I guess I need to tell you all a little about Cody and our story and then the amazing engagement story!

I met Cody at work (we both work for Wells Fargo Bank) in the middle of February. Actually the day of my last post was the day that our friend April put a bug in his ear about me. We spent a couple of weeks talking at work and texting a little bit outside of work, but nothing really exciting was happening at that time. He was taking his time on this one! lol!! Well, I ended up going home to DSM for about 5 days in the middle of March. I was driving home on a Wed night and we were texting some and that was the night he asked me out for the first time. We made plans to go to dinner with some friends of his (Matt and Holly) and then maybe to a movie. We really hit it off that night and had a great time. That next Sunday, I went over to Matt and Holly's house and hung out with them all. When I got home that night, I got a text from Cody that said we needed to sit down and have a "real"phone conversation and find out for sure where things stood between us. So we made a phone date for Monday, March 22nd...

So, now it's Monday night and he calls... we proceeded to talk for 4 1/2 hours that night! And we talked about EVERYTHING! It was one of those defining conversations in my life where I knew by the end of the night, my life was going to change forever. We decided that night to make it "official" between us and pulled out the old "boyfriend/girlfriend" term. It was a pretty funny conversation at that point! But it was amazing. I knew that God hand was moving on both of us at this point. The next night, we talked for 3 hours and the following night we talked for 3 more hours. It was incredible!! He keeps telling me that the things we have in common are not just coincidences, they are evidence of God moving in our lives.

Well, fast forward to last Friday night (April 9th). We went to the Olive Garden just the two of us and the next thing I know, here comes Matt and Holly with a beautiful bouquet of red roses and balloons... and about 20 of our other friends! I knew the moment I saw everyone else that he was going to propose!! He stood me up and began to quote 1 Cor 13:4-8, 13 and then got down on his knee and said "Lauren Rene Bush, I love you with all of my heart. And it would do me a great honor if you would spend the rest of your life with me. Will you marry me?" AMAZING!!!!!! Of course I said yes and he stood up and put the ring on my finger! I was so excited because he even thought enough to have a friend video tape it for us. (If I can figure out how to do it, I'll post the video on here...) We put it on facebook, so anyone reading this probably has already seen it there. Anyway, it was such a great night and he couldn't have done a more amazing job.

We have a wedding date set for October 16th! So... bring on the wedding planning!! :)