Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Poor Chance...

So, this morning I dropped my little puppy (who's not really a puppy anymore) off at the vet so he could get neutered. What a tramatic morning for him! Actually the trama started last night. I gave him a bath so he could be all clean for the dr. He HATES to take a bath, so that was a chore for him (and me!). And then I fed him his last meal around 8pm. This morning, he got up and didn't want to go outside, but I sent him out anyway. Normally when he comes in from outside, I feed him breakfast. Well, not today. And he knew it! Then when we got ready to leave, I had to put a leash on him. I never have him on a leash 'cause I have a fenced in backyard, so you can imagine how fun it was to try and wrangle with him on that leash when we went outside! Next came the lovely car ride... he's never ridden in a car before. That was fun! Actually, he did fairly well. Until it was time to get out of the car and go into the vet where there were so many people he didn't know, and all these other animals around. He didn't know what to think!! But then they took him off to surgery and I'm just trusting that all was well after that! At least for him anyway. I got in my car and almost started to cry. I felt so bad for him!!

The vet has already called and he's out of surgery and doing fine. I get to pick him up after 4 today, and I'm hoping he's going to be back to his normal self by then. I'll have to watch him over the next few days to make sure he doesn't overdo it, but he should be ok.

Whew! What a morning! I was thinking on the way to work this morning, that if this is how I feel when it's just my dog going in for a minor surgery, I can't imagine how I would be doing if I was taking my child in for surgery! I hope I never have to face that situation...