Saturday, January 24, 2009

Super Baby

And, along with all the pics of the house (see below!), Tommy also sent me a pic of one of my favorite super heros.... I love her!
Olivia "Super Baby!" Green


The bedroom

The bathroom... the other wall to the left has a blue built-in cabinet.

Galley style kitchen... backdoor leads to shared laundry room with the guy next door.

Living Room... Wall to the right has built in cabinets

Outside... I'd be the one on the left

Here are some pics of the apartment/house/duplex that Tommy and Heather went to look at on Friday. There were some good points: new carpet, new linoleum, new mini-blinds. Down side, there are train tracks in pretty much the back yard of the property. Tommy also said there were some questionable houses down the street from it. So, a lot to consider. I definately think I'm going to keep looking, but at least keep this one on the list! I sound like I'm on House Hunters!! Anyway, leave your comments on the pics if you like! Especially about the bright GREEN kitchen! Yes!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

So much to say!!

Oh my goodness! What a crazy couple of days! I really should have been blogging at the end of every day, but somehow I never got around to it. So, I think my last post was on Sat so I'll start with Sunday!

Sunday -- Big news at Berean... We voted in a new Sr Pastor. A man by the name of Paul Martin and his wife Ann. But also big things happening in Queen City! God did amazing things in the service on Sunday night in QC and Heather and I had a great talk about what God is doing and it just fired me up all the more! I think it really solidified my call to be a part of that church. They are wonderful people and I'm excited to be a part of what's going on there!

Monday -- Lets see... Worked and called about the apartment. Had to leave a message, but that was ok. I think I also got online and applied for a couple job. I dont remember... they all are running together at this point! OH! And I dropped my car off at the car place to see about getting it fixed! That was the big thing that happened that day! HA!

Tuesday -- Left my cell phone at home and that was really annoying. Adrian had some tests done (see for more info) and so I was waiting to hear from her. And I was supposed to hear about my car as well. So, had to go to my grandparents and finally figured out that there was more wrong with my car than they first thought. Apparently all of my tires are bad and so are my brakes. SO... was not thrilled about that! We still didnt know about the transmission yet, and I was worried about the cost. Even though God provided a blessing for me through someone amazing, it was still looking like it was going to cost a small fortune. Ended up the evening having 2 wonderful conversations, one with my friend Andrew and one with Heather. I love them both very much!

Today -- didn't work because of the car situation. But that was ok, because I got a TON of stuff done! Yesterday the apartment lady called and left a message (since my phone was at home) and so today I got to touch base with her. Its a large 1 bedroom apartment with new mini-blinds, carpet and vinyl. I only mention the mini-blinds because thats the amenity she lead with and I thought it was funny. It's got new mini-blinds...and by the way new carpet too. I found it humorous. Anyway, large fridge, washer and dryer on site and a single guy that lives around the corner. Hmmm..... I digress. I made arrangements for Heather to look at it on Friday afternoon, so I'm excited about that. The rent is $400 a month, which I didnt think was too bad. The deposit is also $400, but if this the apartment for me, I'm trusting God to provide. I also called on another property in Atlanta, TX area. It's a duplex with 2 bedrooms and I think 2 bathrooms. I had to leave a message and she called back tonight, but I was at church. I'm going to try and touch base with them tomorrow. Their deposit is $500 and I'm not sure what the rent is. I guess I'll be curious to see which ones has double doors...

I also applied for a job at a Credit Union and got an email back from their HR dept wanting to know more about me and my experience. It was kinda fun listing all the things I know about banking and what I did when I worked for FAB. I also checked into working for the Census Bureau, since that is coming up in 2010 (for those that did not know). I found out that they have a branch in Texarkana, so that would be awesome! I'm actually going to check and see if maybe I can get hired on here working part time until I move and then just transfer to the branch in Texarkana. We'll see.

Lastly, I got GREAT news about my car!! It's not the whole transmission, PRAISE THE LORD!! Apparently there is some computer thing in the transmission and they are 95% sure that's what is wrong. And that part is a much cheaper part to replace than rebuilding the whole transmission. And it will be done tomorrow. I'm excited to get my baby fixed and running great and ready for the big trip! Aside from the standard oil changes, I should be good to go for quite a while. My great friend Andrew is letting me borrow his car until tomorrow night, so I'm glad to be able to get to work tomorrow.

So, pretty eventful couple days. I also finalized my Feb trip. I'm leaving Friday Feb 13th after work and staying the night somewhere and then driving the rest of the way on Sat. Then I'll be there the whole next week and leave on Monday the 23rd. I really wanted to go to church 2 weeks in a row. And after that it'll just be a few more weeks and I'll be there permanently! I counted the other day and I believe that from today it's 51 days until I move. That's crazy! But VERY EXCITING!!!

Ok, I think this post is long enough! Thanks for sticking around to read the whole thing!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I always say I'm amazed....

But I dont know why. I dont know why I should be amazed at what God can do in my life, because He's God, right?

So, I have some exciting news. First of all, I think I might have found an apartment!! Heather called me Thursday night and said they found an ad in their local paper for a 1-bedroom apartment with new carpet for $375 a month!! YEAH!!! I was so excited. I'm going to call the guy today and get all the deposit info and all that from him and let him know my situation. Heather and Tommy said they would go and look at it for me and take pics or whatever. So, I'm way excited about that!!

Secondly, the issue with my car may not be an issue any more. Someone close to me has offered to help me out with it and I couldnt be more blessed. Again, I just feel like the Lord is working in ways I never thought could happen. I'm so blessed. And one thing I know about the Lord is that when you are obedient and bless others, those things do not got unnoticed by Him and your blessings come full circle. I've seen it too many times in my life over the years. Its amazing!

Anyway, nothing yet on the job end, but God's got something there for me too! I'll keep you posted!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Today I sat at home because we didn't have school because it's 9 million degrees below zero outside. Ok, maybe not that cold, but cold enough for them to cancel all the area schools!! Crazy! So, trying to be productive, I got on Craigslist and Monster and applied for several jobs. Hopefully I will hear back from at least one of them. Most of them were for receptionist/administrative assistant positions. Heather is going to give me the name of a couple other people to contact as well. I think I'm going to send my resume to the Queen City School District as well. I do really enjoy working with the kids and they may have something for me.

I also found out something interesting the other day. My day of moving may be moved up a bit! Originally I had planned on moving on March 20th because I thought that was the first day of our Spring Break. Turns out, it's the LAST day of Spring Break! So, looks like March 13th is the new target date! I dont know for sure if that day will work since a lot will depend on finding a job and a place to stay. And whether or not Andrew can take the time off then. So, still a lot of things to figure out!

One last side note... please keep Berean in your prayers this weekend as we have a man coming on Sunday to candidate for Sr Pastor. We are all just praying that whatever is decided will be God's will for our church. Even though I'm moving on to the next chapter in my life and a new church, Berean will always be my home church and hold a special place in my heart. I just want what God wants. So, thanks and I'll keep you posted on that as well.

Thanks to everyone who has been keeping up on my blog! I love you all!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Not much to report

Well, on the work/apt hunt, there's not much to report. I've talked to Heather who is going to put some feelers out there for me with some people at church. There is also a very large temp agency in the area that is always looking to place people, so I am going to send them my resume as well as many of those jobs turn into more permenant placements. I was going to just send my resume to the banks and the schools in the area, but then again, I kinda want to see what else might be out there. That's why I'm thinking a temp agency might be kind of fun! May open some doors that I never thought would!

God's still been working and opening doors and doing all the things in my life that God does. He's so good and so faithful and He's making this whole experience fun (now that I'm not totally freaked out any more!) I've gotten a chance the last couple days to talk to people about what I'm going to be doing and it's just really given me a refreshed sense of my purpose and call to TX. I get excited to talk about it with people and thinks about the vision God has given for Queen City Assembly of God! It's great!

I also went to Heartland Assembly of God this morning with my very good friend Andrew. I ran into a friend of mine from high school and it was fun to catch up with her. So, Tiffany, great to see you and thanks for your encouraging words today! I'm excited that God is doing so much in your life and your family's lives as well. God bless you! And I also got to reconnect with my friend Amy, who has been one of the most influential people in my life. She's an amazing woman of God and I'm so blessed to call her friend. I haven't seen her in several months and whenever we get together, it's like no time has past at all. She encourages me so much and I could listen to her share about the Lord all day. So, Amy, I love you! I can't wait to see where God takes you in this next chapter of your life. You are a beautiful woman of God and I'm blessed to call you friend!!

I hope today finds you loving Jesus and blessed by Him!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

God is so good!

That's all I want to say. God is so good and faithful to me, even when I dont feel like I've been faithful to Him. He's so amazing. Encouragement and direction can come when we least expect it and from the last place we expect it from.

Lord, I love you so much! I can't imagine what my life would look like right now if You were not in it. You have blessed me beyond my wildest dreams and I can't wait to spend eternity with You in Heaven. Like the song says... This world has nothing for me, I will follow You. Wherever that is. I love you!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


How come its so easy sometimes to have an awesome night at church and then come home get comfortable, grab a snack and not think one thing about what happened at church? This happens for me a lot. And I know that is my fault. And tonight, I was about to let that same thing happen. But I'm not. I'm going to sit here and reflect a bit about what God did for me today/tonight. Because God's been so good to me all day.

Tonight we focused on prayer in youth. I wasn't sure at first how I thought it was going to go, especially since we had several first time visitors. I thought... these kids are going to think we are some kind of weird, holier-than-thou-type of youth group. But, you know what? God showed up. And for me it was a simple verse that made Him so much more real for me. I've heard these verses 1000 times and will probably hear them a million more times before I die, but tonight for some reason, God showed up in the midst of these verses. They are found in Phil 4:6&7. It says (NIV) "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

I've got myself so worried and freaked out about this whole moving thing, but tonight, I'm not worried. God promised me that I dont have to worry, but with a thankful heart, I'm to bring my requests to Him. And He'll give me such amazing peace that it will guard my heart and mind, and help me not to worry all the more. Just a sense of, Ok, God... it's all you. You work it out. You know the amount of money I need, You know the job I need, You know the place I need to live. And I dont have to be consumed by it. It was great!

I had another awesome experience today that I want to share with you all. I have a friend who's been reading my blog and she emailed me today and said that she hadn't really shared my blog or my situation with her hubby or her kids but her daughter... (her email to follow)

"...was getting her things ready to take a bath and said "mom, i had a dream last night that lauren, the one with short hair who worked at my school last year, she got a really beautiful apartment or something. it had two doors that opened like this.....and then she proceeded to tell me what it looked like. INTERESTING!>!>!>! "

Is that cool or what?!?!? It brought tears to my eyes because I believe the Lord used a small child to remind me that He's got it all figured out! I just can't wait until she comes to visit me and walks into my new place and says "Yep! This is what it looked like!!"

Anyway, thanks for listening to my ramblings!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Trying not to freak out...

So, I'm starting to get a little freaked out about moving. I guess this really is God's way of reminding me that I just really need to trust Him. I started pricing moving vans and just about fell out of my chair. So, I'm hoping that I can talk my friend Andrew (who has agreed to help me move, bless his heart!) into driving his truck and pulling a trailer. Surely that has to be cheaper than renting a truck, paying gas money AND trying to find a way to get him home. The other downer is that I really need to get my car fixed before I move and I'm afraid that's going to cost quite a bit. So I'm praying that something works out with that as well. Plus, I have to come up with all the deposits and all that on apartments. So, please keep all this in your prayers! I know it will be fine. I am looking for some additional work, if anyone out there needs some extra help with things! Just let me know!

Stay tuned more updates!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Welcome to my blog!! Originally I wanted to send out a holiday letter to update everyone on my life, but never got around to it. Then I got to thinking... can I fit everything that is going on in my life into one small holiday letter? So, that's when I decided to create a blog instead. This way I can keep everyone up to date on my move and all of that.

So, with that being said, I suppose I should start with that news. I'm moving to Texas!! YEAH!!! I'm super excited about what God is leading me to do! My best friend Heather and her husband Tommy accepted a position as the Lead Pastor of Queen City Assembly of God Church in Queen City, TX. It's a small church in a small town in north-east TX and it's absolutly great! The people there are amazing and ready for God to do something great! Queen City is a small town with about 1600 people. It's right next door to Atlanta, TX, which is about 6500 people. Texarkana, TX/AR is about 20 minutes from us and it has all the comforts of a big city, including great shopping and great restaurants.

So, now that the New Year is here, I'm working on securing a job and a place to live. Today I'm sending out some resumes and am praying that something turns up! And I have a few places in mind to call for housing and am praying that something falls into place with that as well. So please pray with me that everything will happen as it should! I know God is in control and has all these things already lined up for me. I'm excited to see those things all come to pass.

So, stay tuned. Hopefully I will keep things posted on here as well! Maybe my new blog should be my New Years Resolution. Thanks for stopping by!